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I finished the entire game:

Great little game - well done

It was lovely. Wish I had seen your message sooner. Good luck with your other projects

Thank you so much for getting back to me <3

Good atmospheric horror.. Well done! :)

Appreciate the support!

Comments below clip [old version]:

I recorded this before the update to the 'final game.' Will record it again at a later date.  Well done in creating a primarily interesting game!

(1 edit)

Amazing! Thank you!

I did notice in your playthrough that you missed the flash light. Don't miss it in the next one haha!

@ KarimIsReal

That explains why it was so dark :o]

Hello, I played this game and I enjoyed it, good work :)

(1 edit)

Appreciate the support, Thank you!

But that was actually the old version of the game :)

The new version fix's many bugs and has 3 different endings you can explore!